Singles & Married + Adullam: Kind David's cave
Touching Heaven
Changing Earth.
drug abuse
drug abuse rehabilitation
Treatment of drug dependant person is expensive, but if you prevent, you don't have to treat...
A happy family begins with a happy couple. Our goal is to see stronger and better families. We believe that, as goes the family, so goes the society.
We are a ministry that is passionate about the well being of the family. Beginning with the couple ( husband and wife) we seek to strengthen the marriage institution...
Marriage Counselling
Eccl. 4:9-12 says ” two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour” For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow... a threefold cord is not quickly broken”.
We are a ministry that is passionate about the well being of the family.
Beginning with the couple ( husband and wife) we seek to strengthen the marriage institution. A happy family begins with a happy couple.
Our goal is to have a drug-free and happy society. We believe that, as goes the family, so goes the society.
We are strengthening families by teaching parents parenting skills to improve their knowledge of their kids and encourage the children to work with their parents. Supporting parents to take a more active role in the lives of their children to enhance family bonding...
Strong functioning family = less youth substance use/dependence = less violence/crime = public health and safety.
Our in-person meetings
We are pleased to announce that Adullam: Kind David’s Cave has commenced AA, NA, and GA in-person meetings.
AA – Mondays 4PM – 5PM
NA – Mondays 5PM – 6PM
GA Wednesdays 4PM – 5PM.
SMART RECOVERY for non-faith persons – Wednesdays 5PM – 6PM

Smart Recovery
Are you struggling with any habits and looking to BREAK FREE? You are not a faith person? Join our recovery community at Adullam: King David’s Cave Recovery community.
NA Meetings
Let’s hold your hand through your recovery jonuey.

GA Meetings
Join our Recovery community at Adullam: King David’s Cave Recovery Community.
AA Meetings
Let’s hold your hand through your recovery jonuey.

Our Projects

International Day Against Illicit drug abuse 2021
To mark this year's international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking, ( 26th June every year), Adullam: king David's Cave held

Mrs. Janet Olibikong
Meet Mrs. Janet Olibikong. This mother of seven children lives in Ikom Cross River State, Nigeria. She lost her husband in 2017.

Covid-19 Support
We provided this family with foodstuff, toiletries, and some cash, as the family did not have food after the 2 weeks lockdown

Mrs Egere and her family
Mrs Egere and her family ran into hard times when her husband Mr Egere who was a taxi driver was jailed for

Covid-19 Support 2
We provided this family with foodstuff, toiletries, and some cash, as the family did not have food after the 2 weeks lockdown
School for Poor Children
We give a lifetime of support to soldiers and veterans from the British Army, and their immediate families, when they are in
Provide Healthy Food
We give a lifetime of support to soldiers and veterans from the British Army, and their immediate families, when they are in
Build school for poor children
We give a lifetime of support to soldiers and veterans from the British Army, and their immediate families, when they are in
Help US to build our Major project
Our Family Resource Centre
We plan to build a family resource centre where we will implement drug prevention programs for families, youths, young and adults, and children.
It will be a facility where family strengthening programs will be implemented. Couples will be trained on parenting skills and youths and young adults will be mentored to realize and maximize their potentials.
The Centre will have a facility for treating people with drug use disorders. We are looking for sponsors and collaborators/, partners for this laudable project.
Areas we are looking for support: Mental health professionals; Information Technology, Financial supports, and Logistics managers.
Make Donation
Our Target
Come let's build
This project is dear to our hearts. As a non profit/faith-based organization, we want to change the narrative. We will be honoured to have you be a part of it. More info on this will soon be published on this website.
Families affected by drug dependence
We provided supports for families affected by drugs dependence to start small business in order to provide for their families. We need you to do more.
Support us to provide COVID-19 palliatives
We have provided paliatives for 5 families during the covid-19 pandemic lockdown in our community, but there are many more you can help us reach.
Out of School Youths
Support for out of school youths to learn a trade (skill acquisition) or start a small scale business. This will take them out of the streets and make them gainfully employed.
Out of School Youths
Most of them are driven into the streets by poverty and unemployment. Out of frustration they resort to drugs. We do not want to keep saying "say no to drugs", we want to change the narrative.
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Our Events
Single And Married
We have weekly singles and married fellowship where we discuss the issues affecting relationships and dealing with them: Every Saturday 4 PM.
Adullam: King Davis’s cave
This is our drug abuse prevention arm. We carry out drug abuse prevention sensitization and discussion once a month. We also provide counselling for people who use drugs and their families: Counselling, Treatment, Rehabilitation.
Latest Project

Family affected by drugs
Mrs Egere and her family ran into hard times when her husband Mr Egere who was a taxi driver was jailed for the loss of the vehicle he was driving. He lost the vehicle to armed robbers.
king David's cave members met Eseogene, a drug dependent person who is the drug dependant during one of our outreach events.More detail on projects page

Mrs Egere

Support the treatment of a baby at risk
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Peter Rose

Support the treatment of a baby at risk
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Gerald Gilbert
Love is a choice, Not a feeling

Communication In Relationship II

Communication In Relationship